Coaching and Workshops for Musicians
Enjoy music and achieve better results in your life, your practice sessions and on stage.
Making a living as a musician
is not always easy.
We have an extensive musical education, we study in the best music schools with the best teachers, we invest a lot of money to play with a good instrument and to be able to participate in different master classes, we study countless hours and still the results often do not come…
The truth is that all our talent and hard work is of no use if at the decisive moment we’re not able to show what we’ve got.
When all the hours of study do not lead us to the result we want, when nerves and emotions block us on stage, when we cannot enjoy the music on stage, despite all the experience we’ve already had or when we come to wonder if we actually are good enough for this…
It’s the mental and emotional preparation that marks the difference in important situations.
Start handling the stress and the pressure, that often comes with being a professional musician, in a positive way.
Music has always been my great passion.
It was always clear to me that one day I wanted to realize my dream and make a living doing what I like most: playing in a professional orchestra.
I have worked and practiced a lot in order to realize my dream.
I managed to enter a prestigious Musikhochschule in Germany and study with one of the most famous violists, I was lucky enough to be given an excellent viola from an association and they also told me that I had talent…
In theory success was guaranteed… But in practice something wasn’t working…
No matter how hard I tried, I didn’t get the results I was hoping for.
How could it be that after practicing for 6 hours I hardly noticed any improvement?
…that sometimes a certain passage even turned out worse, after dedicating many hours to it and repeating it a thousand times?
…that the only reward for all my hard work is a tendonitis that forces me to stop playing for almost 2 months?
…that in the audition that I have been preparing for months, I get completely blocked by my stress reacion?
…that I tremble and that I can’t play as I want to…?
All factors that seemed to show me that I had gotten where I was by pure luck, that the others were wrong, they saw something that was not there…
The reality must be that I’m just not made for this…
I knew that if my life as a musician would look like that, I didn’t want it… It wasn’t worth it…
What happened than and what now seems to me like a divine sign, was that just at a crucial moment, where I was seriously considering quitting, a friend told me about Coaching and that if I was able to manage and handle my thoughts and emotions I could also achieve better results, in my practice sessions as well as on stage.
I met a Coach, started working with him and about 4 months later I won my first audition to play in a professional orchestra.
My current dream is formental and emotional preparation and Coaching for musicians to be increasingly integrated into our musical education since the beginning.
Since that moment, Coaching and all the different topics related to the mind and human psychology have fascinated me. In Germany I have started studying psychology and psychotherapy at the “Paracelsus Heilpraktiker” – School and I have taken several courses in Coaching, stress management, Burnout, non-violent communication…
In 2020 I decided to move to Spain with my family.
In order to be able to work also in Spanish, I trained and certified as an Expert in Coaching at “Efic – Escuela de formación integral en Coaching”.
I am still working as a violist in professional orchestras and in different chamber music groups, but I now have also another passion and mission accompanying me: Helping other musicians feel better during their studies, on stage and in their lives in general.
Coaching Sessions Online
What is Coaching?
In my Coaching Sessions I help you achieve your goals.
You’ll create awareness about what it is that you really want to achieve in your musical and personal life and you’ll understand what you have to work on and do in order to achieve it.
You’ll get to know yourself more and more, discovering what your values are and if your life and goals are aligned with them. You are going to analyze your beliefs and emotions and you will learn how to handle them in a positive way.
Through our conversations, my questions and Coaching tools we will expand your potential to make important changes, advance in new areas, so that you can obtain from life what you really want.
How do we work together?
Before we start working together, we will meet in a free discovery call, where we can get to know eachother. You will tell me about your situation and we see if a Coaching-process is the best option for you.
If we decide to work together we will sign an official contract and confidentiality agreement.
The duration of the process depends exclusively on you and your needs.
You can book individual sessions, at 75€ (without IVA) each.
Or you can choose one of the following Packs:
Pack of 4 sessions at 260€ (without IVA)
Pack of 8 sessions at 500€ (without IVA)
If you choose the four-session process, a single payment will be made before the start of the process. If you choose the pack of eight, you can make the payment in two parts – one at the beginning of the process, and another after the fourth session.
You can redeem your packages within one year. That is, if you need to take a break, you can resume it whenever you want within the period of one year.
If you are a student and have a valid student certificate, you can enjoy a 10% discount.
The sessions will be online, through video call (Zoom). As soon as we agree on the day and time of your session, I will send you the link to connect. If you prefer, it can also be a phone call.
We will define together the time between the different sessions.
Mentoring Online
When the client is looking for answers or specific exercises for a particular topic, thanks to my training and experience working with many musicians, I will be able to guide them, proposing solutions and new work possibilities.
The duration depends exclusively on the client and what they are looking for.
It may just be a single session to resolve specific doubts or several sessions to track and adjust the progress.
Normally I recommend combining mentoring sessions with a coaching process, to really personalize and adapt the exercises to your specific situation, create your own tools and thus achieve better results.
You can book a Mentoring Session at 75€ (without IVA) each.
The sessions will be online, through video call (Zoom). As soon as we agree on the day and time of your session, I will send you the link to connect. If you prefer, it can also be a phone call.
Education and Workshops
How to successfully prepare for your next audition or concert
For a successful preparation of our performances we do not only need to practice effectively, we also have to take into account psychological and emotional factors.
It is not enough to be able to sing or play very well when we feel comfortable, it is also necessary to be able to show our best version when we are on stage.
The mental preparation, the confidence in our abilities, the handling of our emotions and our possible stress reactions are equally important as the technical and musical aspect.
In this workshop, participants receive specific ideas and exercises in order to be able to prepare their next performances more successfully by including those important aspects into their preparation process.
Recommended workshop duration: 2-3 hours
Handling emotions on stage
In order to enjoy music and show our best version on stage, it is essential to know how to manage our emotions in these specific moments.
In this workshop we dive into the world of emotions, with particular attention to stage fright.
Participants will receive concrete tools and exercises to accept their emotions, understand them and then transform them, in order to enjoy their performances.
Recommended workshop duration: 2-3 hours
Strategic and Productive Planning for Musicians
As musicians we often tend to fall into the mode of “it is never enough, the more I study, the better…”
In this course, students will learn how to plan based on self-knowledge, developing a realistic, personal and flexible plan.
They will obtain tools to organize themselves more productively.
This workshop can be very useful at the beginning of a semester or at a time of change.
Recommended workshop duration: 2-3 hours
Intensive Audition Preparation
A mock audition at the beginning serves to know each person’s starting point, followed by analysis, exercises and tools so that they can work on different personal issues.
Once the mental and emotional work has been carried out, the student will directly experience the changes in their performance when playing a second time in the mock audition that will take place at the end of the workshop.
Recommended workshop duration: 2-3 days
Effective practicing
The mere fact of practicing many hours does not always guarantee progress.
More than the quantity, the hours that we invest in our practicing, it is its quality that determines our progress.
In this workshop we see what things we can do specifically to achieve better results in our practice sessions, how to plan our practice hours, what to do with passages that seem impossible to be dominated…
Recommended workshop duration: 2-3 hours
Coaching Tools for Teachers
Teachers are often the most important reference for students. Therefore, a teacher has great responsibility and considerable influence on the development of his students.
In this workshop, teachers will get concrete tools and ideas to be able to accompany their students also through their mental and emotional challenges.
Recommended workshop duration: 2 hours
Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique (by Jacobson)
Body and mind are connected. When the body is relaxed, the mind is also calm. By learning to consciously relax the different muscles of the body, we also learn to calm ourselves mentally and emotionally.
Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique can be a great help in relaxing our body and mind before practicing or getting up on stage.
Recommended workshop duration: 1-2 hours
The workshops presented here are proposals, I always adapt the content and duration to the specific needs of the group.
You will get
Coaching sessions are a safe, confidential and judgment-free space to reflect and find your own answers.
Clear definition of your goals, so that you know at all times in which direction you are going and you are able to focus on what is really important.
We usually don’t stop to think about how we feel and what exactly is happening. Coaching helps you get to know yourself, understand what is happening and see things in a different way.
You will take responsibility for what happens to you and you will act accordingly. You choose what to do and how to live your life.
At the end of each session you will leave with a well-defined action plan that will bring you closer to your goal. You’ll get moving!
Going through audition preparation with Evelin was a real game changer. I discovered a whole set of tools to deal with the difficulties and to focus on my strengths. Practice became creative and fun and I was able to deliver a very good performance during my last audition. I was proud of myself and the progress I made as a musician and as a person.
Bevor ich angefangen habe mit Evelin zu arbeiten, konnte ich kaum mehr ohne Betablocker meine Geige in die Hand nehmen. Anfangs habe ich sie nur bei wichtigen Konzerten gebraucht, bald habe ich mich dann aber auch bei Proben immer unsicherer gefühlt.
Mit Evelin habe ich mich zum ersten mal getraut hinter die Fassade zu schauen, ich habe angefangen meine Gefühle und Glaubenssätze zu verstehen , anzunehmen und einen besseren Umgang mit ihnen zu finden.
Nach nur 2 Monaten habe ich es geschafft wieder ohne Betablocker aufzutreten. Ich wünschte, ich hätte schon viel früher angefangen an mir selbst zu arbeiten! In Evelins Begleitung habe ich mich sehr wohl und verstanden gefühlt.
He tenido problemas para organizar mi tiempo de estudio y tiempo libre desde que era niño. No he sabido gestionar el tiempo, de la manera más eficaz para preparar cualquier examen o prueba a lo largo de mi carrera. Siempre lo he hecho en el ultimo instante sufriendo las consecuencias de estrés y agobio.
He notado una mejoría en la gestión de mi tiempo libre y he encontrado también una mejor organización de las tareas pendientes para que no se acumulen al ultimo instante.
Me he sentido muy a gusto desde el primer momento, ha sido una relación cercana y sincera con mi coaching, donde ella me ha proporcionado las preguntas necesarias para encontrar la solución por mi mismo.
Lo recomiendo rotundamente, ya que son problemas o situaciones que nos ocurren a todos alguna vez en la vida.
Antes de contactar con Evelin, estaba atravesando una época dónde tenía poca motivación por mi trabajo y poca confianza en mí mismo.
Al trabajar con Evelin, conseguí adentrarme mejor en los pensamientos que estaba teniendo para así poder trabajar y mejorar mi forma de pensar y enfocar mi situación de vida personal y profesional.
Trabajar con Evelin es "casa", sabe perfectamente escucharte y darte apoyo para expresarte sin ningún tipo de tapujos y también se expresa muy bien y es fácil de entender su forma de trabajar.
Gracias a la ayuda de Evelin he conseguido creer en mí y darme cuenta de lo que soy capaz. He encontrado la motivación a la hora de estudiar y sigo trabajando para transformar los pensamientos negativos que aparecen al fallar, en algo de lo que aprender. Tenía audiciones para mi orquesta en las que lidiaba con mucha presión, pero nunca pude imaginar que gracias al proceso de Coaching iba a conseguir controlar tanto los nervios durante el proceso de preparación y llegar a disfrutar de algo tan duro como es una prueba de orquesta.
Evelin es una gran profesional, tiene mucha empatía, sabe hacer las preguntas adecuadas y es muy respetuosa. Ha sido de gran ayuda para mí.
El trabajo mental forma una parte esencial en la preparación de cada músico. Sin embargo, no recibimos la formación y atención necesarias para realizar dicho trabajo.
Durante el taller de Evelin, al que asistí en las Jornadas del contrabajo en Madrid, ella abordó temas muy importantes en la preparación mental de los jóvenes músicos.
Su amplia experiencia como músico profesional, además de su formación como coach mental para músicos, hacen que sus talleres sean una fuente de inspiración y conocimiento para cualquier, tanto estudiantes como profesionales.
El trabajo hecho con Evelin, ha supuesto un gran aprendizaje personal, de reflexión sobre algunas cuestiones que nunca antes me había planteado y a las que he conseguido buscarle una o varias soluciones para mejorar mi estudio e interpretación. Creo que todos los músicos deberían tener una oportunidad así, para conocerse mejor, poder mejorar día tras día y conseguir sus objetivos.
Ich konnte durch das Coaching angestaute Wut und Enttäuschung loslassen und dadurch mehr Platz für Sinnvolleres in meiner Seele schaffen. Ich fühle mich ausgeglichener und optimistischer als vorher. Es war ein wertvoller Schritt, ein erfülltes Leben zu führen.
Ich würde einen Coaching-Prozess mit Evelin auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen!!
"En ningún momento de mi carrera musical me han dado herramientas para gestionar mis emociones durante una actuación, una clase o simplemente estudiando con mi instrumento. Gracias a Evelin y a su taller, he podido comenzar a trabajar más la parte mental de mi estudio. No todo son notas. De nada sirve ser virtuoso o estudiar como el que más si no tienes una buena gestión de tus pensamientos y emociones."
La reflexión psicológica debería estar mucho más presente en la vida de los músicos. Con su taller, Evelin ayuda a que reflexionemos y aprendamos sobre nosotros mismos, realizando una labor necesaria.